*The list below is unique to the COVID-19 season and may not include opportunities at all our partners. Due to sweeping changes and social distancing orders from the city of Los Angeles, reach out to partner contact listed and cc: info@hopeforla.org to keep us in the loop.

Wednesday, December 15: Oasis Kidz Klub Christmas Party, 2:30PM-6:00PM (E. Hollywood)– Volunteers needed to distribute Christmas gifts, clothes, gift cards, groceries, etc. to the children and families. Other needs for the party: 100 plain sugar cookies for kids to decorate, red, white, and red icing & Christmas sprinkles. 50 mini-stockings filled with candy. Contact: Mynor@oasisofhollywood.com

Friday, December 17: Oasis Youth Christmas Party, 6PM-9PM (E. Hollywood) – Volunteers needed to help cook and serve food to youth. Contact: mynor@oasisofhollywood.com

Saturday, December 18: Claris Parenting Families Christmas Event, 10:30AM-2PM (Pacific Palisades) – 15 background checked volunteers needed to pass out gifts and serve lunch to youth. Contact: Niki@clarishealth.org

Saturday, December 18: Christian Legal Aid Phone Clinic, 1PM-4PM (DTLA) – Attorney and non-Attorney volunteers needed to help with their free telephone legal clinic. Contact: Chrystal@cla-la.org

Tuesday, December 21: Oasis Youth Candlelight Dinner, 5PM-8PM (E. Hollywood) – Volunteers needed to help prepare and serve food for youth. Contact: Mynor@oasisofhollywood.com

Saturday, December 25 + Sunday, December 26: Santa Monica Homeless Shelter Sandwich Making Event, 8AM-12PM (Santa Monica) –  4 Volunteers needed to make and distribute sandwiches to unhoused residents. Volunteers must meet requirements HERE and RSVP by Dec. 17th  Contact: Ana Agarmendia@thepeopleconcern.org

December 1 – 25: People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) Jingle Bags (Mid City) – Volunteers needed to put together a Jingle Bags to give a special gift to someone in need at PATH! Include cozy socks, a blanket, or other warm clothing items. Jingle Bags can be assembled at home in reusable tote bags, drawstring backpacks, or holiday gift bags. We encourage you to also include a holiday card or note! All items must be unopened and new. View the wish list HERE! Contact: Katherineh@epath.org

December 1 – 25: People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) Holiday Decorations Effort (Remote) – Volunteers needed to donate Christmas decorations to PATH housing sites to spread holiday cheer to thousands of unhoused families across LA. View the shopping list HERE! Contact: Katherineh@epath.org

December 1 – 25: People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) Holiday Toy Drive (Remote) – Volunteers needed to donate toys to children in need. You can help by hosting a drive, purchasing your own items, or purchasing directly from our Amazon. View the wish list HERE! Contact: Katherineh@epath.org